Naoki Urasawa's Monster Wiki

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Naoki Urasawa's Monster Wiki
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Spoiler Warning: Plot details, ending details, or both are in the text which follows.

Contact is the forty-sixth episode of the anime.


Tenma reads about Suk's case and the Czechoslovakian secret police crime syndicate. He visits Suk's mother, who reveals the location of his hideout.


While learning about the former Czechoslovak Secret Police crime syndicate, Tenma comes across Suk's case in which he is suspected of murdering his superiors using poisoned candy; similarly to what happened Tenma in 1986.

Tenma visits Jan Suk's mother, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, in the hospital. Mrs. Suková mistakes him for his son and Tenma learns about Jan's secret hideout on Brno street. Tenma leaves and it is revealed that Suk hid the cassette tape with his mother.

Suk and Grimmer hide in Suk's hideout. There, Grimmer tells him about the story of a young surgeon who was accused of killing his three superiors using poisoned candy who is still on the run trying to prove his innocence. Suk says he needs to catch the blonde girl, or else he will be forced to run for his entire life.

Suk and Grimmer are attacked. A sniper shoots Suk from across the street and he is severely wounded. Grimmer transforms into the Magnificent Steiner and kills all of their attackers. Tenma arrives to the hideout and finds Grimmer and Suk. Tenma treats Suk, who is later taken to a hospital.

Grimmer tells Tenma that he was in Kinderheim 511 and that he was later trained to be an East German spy. Grimmer explains that, of all the things he was taught, the hardest to learn was how to smile.



  • Suk's situation mirrors what happened with Tenma back in 1986: both men were thought to have killed their superiors using poisoned candy, when it was actually Johan who did it.
1. Herr Dr. Tenma • 2. Downfall • 3. A Murder • 4. Night of the Execution • 5. The Girl from Heidelberg
6. Disappearance Report • 7. Mansion of Tragedy • 8. The Fugitive • 9. The Girl and the Seasoned Soldier
10. An Erased Past • 11. 511 Kinderheim • 12. Modest Experiment • 13. Petra and Schumann • 14. Left Behind
15. Be My Baby • 16. Wolf's Confession • 17. Reunion • 18. Five Sugars • 19. Monster's Abyss • 20. Journey to Freiham
21. Happy Holidays • 22. Lunge's Trap • 23. Eva's Confession • 24. Of Men and Dining 25. Thursday's Boy
26. The Secret Woods • 27. Proof • 28. Just One Case • 29. Execution • 30. Decision • 31. In Broad Daylight
32. Sanctuary • 33. A Child's View • 34. At the Edge of Darkness • 35. My Nameless Hero • 36. The Monster of Chaos
37. A Nameless Monster • 38. The Demon in My Eyes • 39. The Hell in His Eyes • 40. Grimmer • 41. The Ghost of 511
42. The Adventures of the Magnificent Steiner • 43. Detective Suk • 44. Double Darkness • 45. The Monster's Afterimage
46. Contact • 47. The Door to Nightmares • 48. The Scariest Thing • 49. The Cruelest Thing • 50. The Rose Mansion
51. The Monster's Love Letter • 52. The Lawyer • 53. Determination • 54. The Escape • 55. Room 402
56. The Never-Ending Journey • 57. That Night • 58. I Hate This Job • 59. The Man Who Saw the Devil
60. The Man Who Knew Too Much • 61. The Door to Memories • 62. A Pleasant Dinner Table • 63. Unrelated Murders
64. The Baby's Depression • 65. Johan's Footprints • 66. Welcome Home • 67. I'm Back • 68. Ruhenheim
69. The Peaceful House • 70. The Town Massacre • 71. The Wrath of the Magnificent Steiner • 72. A Nameless Man
73. The Landscape of the End • 74. The Real Monster